CURRICULUM VITAE DAVID GARNEAU Assistant Professor of Painting, Drawing and Theory at the U. of Regina. Phone: (306) 585-5615. Email: Mail: Visual Art, U. of Regina, 3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina, SK S4S-0A2. EDUCATION 1993 M.A. American Literature, University of Calgary. 1989 B.A. Painting and Drawing (with distinction), University of Calgary. SOLO EXHIBITIONS (recent) 2004 .Cowboys, Indians (Metis?). Art Gallery of Southern Manitoba, Brandon, MN, and Artcite Gallery, Windsor, ON. 2003 .Cowboys, Indians (Metis?). Ace Art, Winnipeg Manitoba. 2002 .Peripheral Pictures,. Rosemont Art Gallery, Regina. .Peripheral Pictures, Bock University, Senate Chambers, St. Catherines, ON. 2000 .Sex, Violence and the Death of Heroes,. Antechamber Gallery, Regina. 1998 .Man Trouble,. The Prairie Art Gallery, Grande Prairie, AB. .Diaper Paintings,. The New Gallery, Front Space, Calgary. 1996 .Recent Paintings.. Virginia Christopher Gallery, Calgary. GROUP EXHIBITIONS (recent) 2003 .Wildfire,. Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, SK. .Looking Left,. Articule Gallery, Montreal. QU. 2001 .Dialogue,. Rosemont Art Gallery, Regina. .A Thousand Words Exactly,. The New Gallery, Calgary. .Extra-Necessities, 01,. Douglas Udell Gallery, Edmonton. 2000 .Appropriations: Alchemy or Commodification?. The New Gallery, Calgary. .Changing Times: University of Regina Faculty Exhibition.. 1998-9 .The 1998 Alberta Biennial, Glenbow Museum/Edmonton Art Gallery. 1996 .Three Chapters in Continuing Stories,. Triangle Art Gallery, Calgary. .Alumni Show,. Nickel Arts Museum, Calgary. .Les Grande Salons,. Modern Art Gallery, Calgary. 1994-8 .ACAD Annual Faculty Exhibitions,. Calgary. VIDEO 1999 .Twelve Hysterical Men,. 25 min., 1999. Exhibited at EM Media, 1999. .Black Pepper,. 4 min., 1999. Exhibited at EM Media, Calgary, 1999; at Transfictions, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge, 2001; at Beyond Tonto ll, (Broadway Theatre) Saskatoon, 2001; Four Directions Film and Video Festival, Mackenzie Art Gallery Theatre, 2002. PERFORMANCE (recent) 2003 Bit part, .introducer. for Lori Blondeau.s A Moment in the Life of Belle Savage. ShuBox Theatre, Riddell Centre, University of Regina. 2002 .Red Face,. Indian Acts: Aboriginal Performance Art, conference cabaret, Western Front Gallery, Vancouver. .Heaven. a performance by Shauna Kennedy. The Estate Gallery, Calgary. I collaborated with Kennedy on the libretto. 1998 .Black Pepper.. New Gallery, Space for Space Performance Art Festival, Calgary. 1995 .Skin Brain,. PAROLE, at the Big Secret Theatre, Calgary. .David Does Dishes,. PAROLE, at The Night Gallery, Calgary. 1993 .Bound to be Tongue-Tied: Gagging on Gender;. co-organized and hosted, with Mireille Perron, evening of performance art. The Night Gallery, Calgary. ARTIST TALKS, PAPERS and LECTURES 2003 Curator.s Talk: .Drawn from the Vault.. Estevan Art Gallery. Curator.s Talk: .Transcendent Squares.. Rosemont Art Gallery. 2002 Paper: .Peripheral Pictures: Borders of the Painted Gaze,. Image and Imagery: Frames and Borders; Conference, Brock University, St. Catherines, ON. Re-presented U. of R. Panelist: .Crossing Over: Interdisciplinarity in Scholarship and Education,.Crossing Over: Negotiating Specialization in an Interdisciplinary Culture, U. of R. Panelist: .Artful Dialogue,. Organization of Saskatchewan Art Council.s (OSAC) Annual Saskatchewan Showcase for the Arts, Yorkton. Panelist: .Aboriginal Film and Video, the Process, the Future?. Four Directions Film and Video Festival, Mackenzie Art Gallery, Schumiatcher Theatre. Artist talk: Brock University, St. Catherines, ON. Artist talk: University of Western Ontario, London, ON. Paper: .Reading Texts for Images: Hawthorne.s Hypotypotic Veils.. Re- presented at the University of Windsor (Dept. of English), Windsor, ON. 2001 Paper: .Accelerated Time-Space and the Visual Arts,. Media and Visual Arts, Slo-Mo artist.s residency, Banff Centre, AB. Senior Visiting Artist: Media and Visual Arts, Slo-Mo artist.s residency, Banff Centre, AB. Lecture: .How Many Pictures is a Word Worth?. Speaking Volumes: An Interdisciplinary Forum, at the Rosemont Art Gallery, Regina. Lecture: .Imaginary Gardens: Gardens in Visual Art,. at the University of Lethbridge. 2000 Paper: .Can Craft be Art? Canadian Intellectual Pots,. at the University of Lethbridge. 1999 Paper: .Landscape, Landscrape, Land Escape: Contemporary Ironic and Post-Ironic Landscapes,. The Banff Centre. Visiting Artist, Landscape Residency, The Banff Centre. CATALOGUES 2002 Leslie Dawn. .David Garneau: Peripheral Pictures.. Mini-catalogue. Rosemont Art Gallery, 2002. 1998 Crowston, Catherine and Cathy Mastin. In/Here/Out/There: Alberta Biennial of Contemporary Art (1998). Exhibition catalogue. Glenbow Museum and the Edmonton Art Gallery. 1998. 5, 18. There was also a video tape about my work made for the exhibition. 1996 .Three Chapters in Continuing Stories.. Mini-catalogue. Triangle Art Gallery, Calgary. RECENT REVIEWS Jack Anderson. .Works May Look Familiar But Meanings Are New.. (Transcendent Squares). The Leader-Post. Jan. 2003. A9. Anderson, Jack. .Statement... The Leader-Post. Dec. 5, 2002. Beatty, Greg. .Art on the Edge.. Prairie Dog. Nov. 28, 2002. 21. Anderson, Jack. .Communication Incomplete.. Review. The Leader-Post. Nov. 22, 2001. D3. Anderson, Jack. .Garneau Queries Painting and Pictures.. Review. The Leader-Post. Dec. 13, 2000. C3. Robertson, Patricia. .Ready-Made Culture: Contemporary Artists Seek Meaning in a Consumerist Climate.. Review. The Calgary Straight. July 13, 1999. 6. Beatty, Greg. .Changing Times: smart, but a bit dry.. Review. Prairie Dog. April 6, 2000. Mandel, Charles. .Frontier Display Unexpectedly Diverse, Lively.. Review. The Edmonton Journal. Feb. 15, 1999. C5. Groves, Renee. .In/Here/Out/There.. Review. AlbertaViews. Jan., 1999. 56. Diamond, Sara. .Destination: Alberta.. Review. C Magazine. Summer 1998. 17-19 Gustafson, Paula. .On the Frontier of Alberta Art.. Review. The Calgary Straight. Sept. 3. 1998. AWARDS AND GRANTS 2001 Saskatchewan Arts Board Grant. 1998 Canada Council Explorations Grant. 1988-90 Four Province of Alberta Graduate Scholarships. 1991 A.T.J. Cairns Memorial Scholarship. 1987 Liquitex Scholarship. 1984-6 Imperial Oil Higher Education Awards. 1985 Alberta Culture Visual Arts Study Grant.