cheryl l'hirondelle
email: artinjun[at] (art) OR cheryllhirondelle[at] (music)
2010 (nov) red+white=ndnspam, commissioned by Hilary Peach, for Canada Speaks, Poetry Gabriola Festival, Gabriola Island, BC
2010 (oct) red+white=ndnspam (excerpted), Out Loud at Night, Vancouver International Writers Festival, Revue Theatre, Vancouver, BC
2009 (sep) êkâya-pâhkaci: tongue tied, as part of Speaking in Landscape Tongues, curated by Peter Morin, Western Front Gallery, Vancouver, BC
2009 (feb) nikamon ohci askiy (songs because of the land), as part of PuSh Festival / Cultural Olympiad, location TBA, Vancouver, BC
2008 (nov-dec) nikamon ohci askiy (songs because of the land), curated by Glenn Alteen, Grunt Gallery, Vancouver BC
2008 (nov) êkâya-pâhkaci, curated by Maria Hupfield, as part of Auntie Heroes in conjunction with Shaq'asthut - Gathering Place, sponsored by Aboriginal Curatorial Collective & Live Society, Emily Carr University, Vancouver BC
2008 (oct) êkâya-pâhkaci, curated by Shannon Cochrane, as part of FADO Performance Art Series, Toronto ON
2008 (oct) êkâya-pâhkaci, curated by Nicole Burisch, as part of M:ST Performance Art Festival, Calgary AB
2008 (sept) êkâya-pâhkaci, curated by Joanne Bristol, as part of (in)visible cities Festival, Winnipeg, MB
2008 (june) êkâya-pâhkaci: setting up camp, as part of HIVE2 - Magnetic North Festival, curated by Glenn Alteen for Grunt Gallery, Vancouver, BC
2008 (may) awa ka amaciwet piwapisko waciya (climbing the iron mountains), as part of Mini-viva: Performance and Activism in Everyday Life, curated by Joanne Bristol, La Centrale Galerie, Montreal, PQ
2006 (sept) permission to lie, with Joseph Naytowhow. World Upside Down, curated by Richard William Hill, Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff Centre, AB
2006 (sept) pîyêsisak ohci, collaboration with Candice Hopkins. Recontre Internationale D'Art Performance de Quebec, Le Lieu, Quebec
2006 (apr) awa ka âmaciwêt pîwâpisko-waciya. Object Lessons, curated by Tim Dallett for Paved, Saskatoon, SK
2006 (feb) âcimow, collaboration with Lori Blondeau. Aboriginal Storytelling Residency, Banff Centre, Banff, AB
2005 (nov) Streets Called Home, a Smartlab project, presented at the World Summit on Information Systems, Tunis, Tunisia
2005 (feb) êkâya-pâhkaci, developed at Aboriginal New Works Residency, Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff, AB
2005 (feb) flirting. Guilty Pleasures, curated by Ryan Rice, the other gallery, Banff Centre, Banff, AB
2004 (oct) awa ka amaciwet piwapisko waciya, with Archer Pechawis. 7a*11d, October 20-31, Toronto, ON
2004 (oct) Shoring Support. Modern Fuel artist-run-centre, Kingston, ON
2004 (mar) wapahta oma iskonikan askiy. A Question of Place, curated by Candice Hopkins, Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff Centre, Banff AB
2002 - present awa ka amaciwet piwapisko waciya / climbing the iron mountains sneaking up to a highrise near you!
2001 (june) cistêmaw iyîniw ohci. SAVAGE DIVAS: bringing the wild back to the west, Tribe Inc., Makwa Sahgaiehcan Cree Nation, SK
2000 Shudder (by Rita McKeough). HIGH TECH ENCOUNTERS, AKA Gallery, Saskatoon, SK
2000 mamaskac: the gameshow that takes about 20 minutes. AKA Gallery Performathon, Saskatoon, SK
1996 Ancient Memories 2 /w Reona Brass, Lori Blondeau, Debra Piapot, Amethyst First Rider, Rebecca Belmore - Open Stage Theatre, Regina, SK
1995 Tragedy (and other tall tales), with Reona Brass. AMERICAN INDIAN FESTIVAL, Cleveland Public Theatre, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
1995 Asowaha - HALFBRED /w Ahasiw Maskegon Iskwew, D Piapot, L Acoose, K White, S Scofield, F Moreno - D. Maracle & Glen Alteen, curators grunt, Vancouver. B.C.
1993 Take it to the Teeth (by Rita McKeough). curated by Annette Hurtig, Glenbow Museum, Calgary, AB
1992 3 Women in a Room, collaboration with Kira Wu, Roberta Rees-Whalley. Gallery 371, Alberta College of Art, Calgary, AB
1992 We are weaving the - collaboration with Colleen Kerr. THE AUTONOMIST FLORIST, Calgary, AB
1992 MOTHER TONGUE - the performance, with Alexandria Patience, music by Lyle Pisio. TRUCK: an artist run centre, Calgary, AB
1992 tsk - collaboration with Mark Dicey, Lyle Pisio. THE EXQUISITE CORPSE, Calgary, AB
1992 Local Economy collaboration with Peter Stinson, Christine Cook. THE EXQUISITE CORPSE, Calgary, AB
1990 dearth [by means of the senses] collaboration with Mark Dicey - NOISE UNDER THE TONGUE,curated by Sylvie Gilbert, Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff, AB
1989 Anger Blues, with Lyle Pisio, Mark Dicey. GRACELAND ART RODEO, Calgary, AB
1989 More Magic (by Mark Dicey) - ALL AUDIO II, The New Gallery/EM-Media, Calgary, AB
1989 Dearth, collaboration with Mark Dicey. Simon's Hill, Calgary, AB
1989 The Journey (by Colleen Kerr) The New Gallery, Calgary, AB
1988 In the Garden (by Celine Godberson) - MEDIA BLITZ, The New Gallery,, Calgary, AB
1988 55-2-1. Alberta College of Art, Calgary, AB
1988 He(a)rth, in conjunction /w ORDER OUT OF CHAOS (uk), Calgary, AB
1987 Alpha (by Mark Dicey, Anne-Marie Larsen, Jeff Viner) City of Calgary Snow Dumpsite, Calgary, AB
1987 The Shapes of Time - DUSK TIL DAWN, Graceland Performance Art Rodeo/2nd Story Gallery, Calgary, AB
1987 Spirit of the Way - NIGHT OF THE LIVING JUNK MONKEYS, Graceland Performance Art Rodeo/2nd Story Gallery, Calgary, AB
1987 Thesmophoria - A FEAT, A DEED, AN EXECUTION AND A BAND, Screaming Fish Studios, Calgary, AB
1986 Ju Ju Lullabye (by David P. Smith) - PERFORMANCE FOCUS, The Night Gallery/2nd Story Gallery, Calgary, AB
1986 Propaganda Ploy (by David P. Smith, Nelson Henricks) The Ion Centre, Calgary, AB
1985 FEAR17 collaboration with Michael Zeindler, Gary McPherson, Monica Wildemann, Mark David Stewart, David P. Smith. The Bow River / Memorial Drive, Calgary, AB
1983 Self Portrait (by David P. Smith) Alberta College of Art, Calgary, AB
2010 (dec) ndnspam celebrity edition cookbook, commissioned by Lori Blondeau, Tribe Inc., Saskatoon, SK
2010 (sep) nikamon ohci askiy (songs because of the land), curated by Kevin Burton, Marvin Francis Media Gallery, Urban Shaman, Winnipeg, MB
2010 (feb) everything up to the sky and down to the centre of the earth with Andrew Lee, as part of First Nations/Second Nature curated by Candice Hopkins, SFU Audain Teaching Gallery, Vancouver, BC
2009 (sep) êkâya-pâhkaci, as part of Chronotropic Village, curated by Wanda Nanabush, Modern Fuel Artist-run Centre, Kingston, ON
2009 (sep) permission to lie, as part of World Upside Down, curated by Richard William Hill, Musee d'art de Joliette, Joliette, PQ
2009 (jun) permission to lie, as part of World Upside Down, curated by Richard William Hill, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Victoria BC
2009 (apr) êkâya-pâhkaci, as part of Beat Nation: Hip Hop as Indigenous Culture – an online exhibition, curated by Tania Williard and Skeena Reece, Grunt Gallery, Vancouver BC
2008 (dec) nikamon ohci askiy (songs because of the land), curated by Glenn Alteen, Grunt Gallery in conjunction with Switch Interactive, Vancouver BC
2008 (nov) v3.0, premiered at Electric Fields, Art Engine, Ottawa ON
2008 (sep) The Generations of Telling, audio installation excerpted from pirate radio broadcast (in collaboration with Julian Cote), as part of Dewdney Avenue Project, Common Weal Community Arts/Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina, SK
2008 (may) Radio 89.9, pirate radio broadcast of visits with Elders in North Central Regina, as part of Dewdney Avenue Project, curated by Elwood Jimmy and Carey Shaw, Common Weal Community Arts, Regina, SK
2007 (nov) treatycard as part of 21, curated by Elwood Jimmy, Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina, SK
2007 (oct) permission to lie as part of World Upside Down, curated by Richard W. Hill, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queens University, Kingston ON
2007 (oct) Hearing in Coyote Daze as part of Shapeshifters, Time Travellers and Storytellers, curated by Candice Hopkins and Kerry Swanson, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, ON
2007 (apr) treatycard as part of 21, curated by Elwood Jimmy, Paved Media Arts, Saskatoon, SK
2007 (mar) treatycard as part of 21, curated by Elwood Jimmy, A Space Gallery, Toronto, ON
2006 (dec) e-oskâpêwisak, as part of bentaerial, commissioned/curated by Joanne Bristol
2006 (oct) wêpinâsowina as part of 2006 imagineNATIVE Media Arts Festival, Toronto, ON
2006 (oct) wêpinâsowina as part of Storm Spirits, curated/commissioned by Ahasiw Maskegon-Iskwew for Urban Shaman Gallery, Winnipeg, MB
2006 (sep) permission to lie, as part of World Upside Down, curated by Richard William Hill, Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff Centre, AB
2006 (sep) treatycard as part of Grrls, Chicks, Sisters & Squaws: Les citoyennes du Cyberspace, curated by Skawennati for MAWA, Winnipeg, MB
2006 (apr) Guts: 3 First Nations Female Performance Artists Online, curated by Archer Pechawis, Grunt Gallery, Vancouver, BC
2006 (feb) Sleeping Buffalo Radio presents: acimow (s/he tells as story), in conjunction with Storytelling Residency, Banff Centre, Banff AB
2006 (feb) Family, an installation by Julie Andree Tremblay. contributed audio (with Joseph Naytowhow), Banff Centre, AB
2006 (feb) treatycard, part of Database Imaginary, Saidy Bronfman Centre for the Arts, Montreal, Que
2005 (nov) treatycard, part of Database Imaginary, Blackwood Gallery (UofT), Toronto, ON
2005 (oct) treatycard and 17:TELL, as part of imagineNATIVE - 5th annual Film and Media Arts Festival, Toronto, ON
2005 (jun) 17:TELL, as part of In the Line of Flight - Transcending Urbanscapes, 2nd Beijing International New Media Arts Exhibition and Symposium, curated by Sara Diamond et al, Beijing, China
2005 (may) treatycard, part of Subverting Virtual Territories, curated by Elwood Jimmy, Godfrey Dean Gallery, Yorkton, SK
2005 (apr), part of Centre for Art Tapes - Artist In Residency, Halifax, NS
2005 (mar) treatycard, part of Database Imaginary, curated by Anthony Kiendl, Steve Deitz, Sarah Cook, Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina, SK
2004 (nov) treatycard, part of Database Imaginary, curated by Anthony Kiendl, Steve Deitz, Sarah Cook, Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff AB
2004 (oct) 17:TELL - aboriginal digital storytelling, Horizon Zero, Banff New Media Institute, Banff, AB
2004 (may), presented at Dak'Art Lab, Dakar, Senegal
2004 (apr) wapahta oma iskonikan askiy, part of A Question of Place, curated by Candice Hopkins, Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff Centre, Banff, AB
2003-04 wepinasowin - beta version offerings of colour and flow to the spirits of cyberspace, sponsored by SOIL Digital Media/Neutral Ground, Regina, SK
2003 (jul) Interactive narratives (elephant paths) with Mari Keski-Korsu, part of Locative Media, RIXC, Karosta, Latvia
2003 (jun) live soundscape for performance/video - by iayana maracle, as part of hearts on the ground, reona brass, curator sakewewak, regina, sk
2003-present talk ndn to me (working title), the unofficial online repository of sexually explicit, naughty and otherwise dirty talk in cree :-)
2002-present ndn top 100, your favorite ndn songs
2001-present ndnkaraoke, interactive singing environment
2002-03 treaty card reinterpreting treaty lands & the reserve pass system, Wild Fire on the Plains, Mendel Art Gallery, curated by Morgan Wood
2002 ka amaciwet piwapisko waciya / climbing the iron mountains - physical intervention/radio broadcast
2002 slang claims - laying claim to the english language
2002 world indigenous register - for all the peops
2002 all my relations - a worldwide family tree
2001 CV, art related activities
2001 nikamok, site of the acclaimed aboriginal singing duo
2001 nêhiyawêwin, nêhiyawêwin sylabics into roman orthography
2001 (jun) cistêmaw iyiniw ohci, a running intervention, sponsored by TRIBE Inc., Saskatoon, SK
2001, homepage of cheryl's, hosted by Cube Microplex, Bristol, UK on their mis-spelled bird server ""
1999-2001 kikawînow kopimâtisiyahk: She Carries Us (with Howie Summers, Kaine Gladue, Darren Ben). Meadow Lake Tribal Council, SK (unfinished)
1999 Dene/Cree ElderSpeak: Tales of the Heart & Spirit (with Ahasiw Maskegon Iskwew, Joseph Naytowhow). Meadow Lake Tribal Council, SK
1997-98 Eagles Nest (with Joseph Naytowhow, Fidel Moreno, Jon Wiklund). Meadow Lake Tribal Council, SK
1996 Isi-pîkiskwêwin Ayapihkêsîsak (with/by Ahasiw Maskegon Iskwew, Lynn Acoose, Greg Daniels...)Pop, Mass n' Subculture Banff Centre, Banff
1994 40 Blocks - Metis Urban Woman Productions, distributed by v-tape, Toronto, ON
1993 The Anger Channel: 40 Blocks (collaboration with Kathy Dodd, Sharon Stevens - Not a Pretty Picture Prod.) distributed by Video Pool, Winnipeg
1989 ALL AUDIO II: Dearth: New Darkness. collaboration with Mark Dicey EM/Media Calgary AB
1989 Tables and Chairs - blue buffalo: Vol 7.1 Calgary, AB
1988 CAMERA OBSCURA: Self Love (collaboration with Yvonne Markotic) Roger's Cable 10 / EM/Media, Calgary, AB
MUSIC (incl bands, collaborations & special projects)
2011 (summer) GChi Chagna Chorus SING Ojibwe HYMNS, a project by Gloria Eshkibok, Manitoulin Island, ON
2008-present Cheryl and her Sisters: Life on/Live off the Prison Floor - prison songwriting project
2007-present Cheryl L'Hirondelle's Songlines - solo music project
2005-2010 M'Girl: an Aboriginal Women's Ensemble - singer/songwriter, supporting vocals, percussion
2005 (nov) Streets Called Home with Colm O'Snodaigh, Rossa O'Snodaigh and Eoin Dillon of Kila. Performed at World Summit on Information Systems, Tunis, Tunisia
2005 (jul) miyohtakwan (joseph naytowhow, wayne lavallee, eekwol, cheryl lhirondelle, violet naytowhow) - ness creek music festival, SK
2005-2008 Arlette Alcock Band (percussions & backing vocals)
2004 (summer) Sandy Scofield Band (backing vocals & percussion)
1995-present - NIKAMOK - Joseph Naytowhow & Cheryl LHirondelle Waynohtêw (vocals, handdrum, rattles)
1992-1995 - Cheryl L'Hirondelle (vocals, percussion, piano)
1993-1995 Anishnawbe Quek Singers (vocals & handdrum)
1990-1992 Street of Crocodiles (vocals)
1989-1990 Melville and the Rocket Scientists (lead & backing vocals)
1988-1990 Anne Loree Band (backing vocals)
1987-1988 Mark and Cheryl (lead and backing vocals)
1985-1986 Storms of Life/The Blueman (bass, lead and backing vocals)
1981-1984 VILE (lead vocals)
DISCOGRAPHY (incl band projects, session work, compilations, demos)
2010 Cheryl and her Sisters: Life on/Live off the Prison Floor, 3 song demo. Co-produced by Cheryl L'Hirondelle, Gregory Hoskins
2009 Cheryl L'Hirondelle - Giveaway, 5 song EP. Produced by Gregory Hoskins, mastered by David Travers-Smith, Found Sound, Toronto
2009 Indian Reservation Blues and more - compilation (M'GIRL). Produced by Guy Fay & Phillipe Langlois for Dixie Frog Records, France
2008 Cheryl L'Hirondelle - Giveaway, 3 song demo. Produced by Gregory Hoskins, mastered by David Travers-Smith, Found Sound, Toronto
2008 Pine Grove Creative Circles Project. Produced by Judy McNaughton, Common Weal Community Arts. Recorded Live at Pine Grove Correctional Centre, Prince Albert, SK
2007 Arlette Alcock - Wolf Girl. Produced by Gaye Delorme, Green House Studio, Vancouver, BC
2007 Violet Naytowhow - Wind of the North. Produced by Wayne Lavallee, Vancouver, BC
2007 Wayne Lavallee - Buffalo Soldier (single). Produced by Wayne Lavallee, Green House Studio, Vancouver, BC
2006 Violet Naytowhow - 5 Song Demo. Produced and engineered by Wayne Lavallee, Vancouver, BC
2006 M'Girl - Fusion of Two Worlds. Produced and engineered by Kat Hendrix, Absolute Sound, Vancouver, BC
2006 Eugene Skeef - Remembrance. Produced by Eugene Skeef, Banff Centre, Banff AB
2006 jef chippewa - one + five. Produced by jef chippewa, Banff Centre, Banff AB
2006 SafetyNET - compilation (NIKAMOK). Produced by Colm O Snodaigh, Dublin IE & London UK
2005 Ness Essentials - 15th Anniversary Compilation (NIKAMOK). Produced by Byron Olsen, Ness Creek Music Festival, Saskatoon, SK
2005 Many Voices: Alberta Aboriginal Curriculum Project - compilation (NIKAMOK). Produced by Pearson Education Canada, Toronto, ON
2001 Flatland Music Festival Compilation (NIKAMOK). Produced by Saskatchewan Recording Industry Association, Regina, SK
2000 Nikamok - Nikamok. Produced by Cheryl L'Hirondelle, Turtle Island Music, Saskatoon
1999 Waiting for the Star - Live concert (NIKAMOK). Produced by Sasha Koerbler, Bonnie Austring-Winter & Michel Lalonde, CBC Radio SK
1997 Back Alley John - One Way Ticket to Palookaville. Produced by Tim Williams, Sundae Sound, Calgary, AB
1996 Francis Marchildon - Balance. Produced by Francis Marchildon and Mark Schmidt, Earthling Sound, Regina, SK
1996 Singing to Keep Time, A Collection of Metis Songs. Produced by Lyndon Smith for Gabriel Dumont Institute, Right Tracks, Saskatoon, SK
1995 Back Alley John - More a feeling than a living - Back Alley John. Produced by Tim Williams and Jamie Kidd, Sundae Sound, Calgary, AB
1993 Back Alley John - Out on the Highway. Produced by Tim Williams & Back Alley John, Sunday Sound, Calgary, AB
2011 (mar) Aboriginal Arts Self-Directed Residency, Banff Centre, Banff, AB
2010 (jul) Aboriginal Arts Self-Directed Residency, Banff Centre, Banff, AB
2010 (mar) Birdsongs and Beating Hearts: Singing/Songwriting Workshop (with Gregory Hoskins), coordinated by Judy McNaughton for Commonweal & Carla Powell for Pinegrove Correctional Centre, Prince Albert, SK
2010 (jan-feb) Towards Language a thematic residency, Banff Centre, Banff, AB
2008 (nov) Sharing Songs from this Land, as part of The Creator Within - Association for Native Development in the Performing and Visual Arts Masterclass Series, First Nations School, Toronto ON
2008 (oct) Performance and Activism in Everyday Life Workshop, M:ST Performance Art Festival, Alberta College of Art and Design, Calgary, AB
2008 (sep) Radio 89.9 Workshop, Scott Collegiate High School, as part of Dewdney Avenue Project, Common Weal Community Arts, Regina, SK
2008 (sep) Performance and Activism in Everyday Life Workshop, (in)visible cities festival, Winnipeg, MB
2008 (july) Sweetdough Harmony singing workshop (M'Girl), Atlin Music Festival, Atlin, BC
2008 (june) Birdsongs and Beating Hearts: Singing/Songwriting Workshop, coordinated by Judy McNaughton for Commonweal & Carla Powell for Pinegrove Correctional Centre, Prince Albert, SK
2008 (may) Pirate Radio/Storytelling Residency, as part of Dewdney Avenue Project, created & coordinated by Elwood Jimmy and Carey Shaw, Common Weal Community Arts, Regina, SK
2008 (may) Performance and Activism in Everyday Life Workshop, curated by Joanne Bristol, La Centrale Galerie, Montreal, PQ
2007 (jun) Songwriting/Professional Development Workshop (with Gregory Hoskins), De-ba-jeh-mu-jig Theatre Group, Manitoulin Island, ON
2007 (apr) Spoken Word Residency, Banff Centre for the Arts - Writing and Publishing, Banff, AB
2006 (oct) Performance and Activism in Everyday Life, Western Front, Vancouver, BC
2006 (june-july) World Upside Down Residency, Banff Centre for the Arts, Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff, AB
2006 (mar-apr) Self Directed Residency,Banff Centre for the Arts, Visual Arts Department, Banff, AB
2006 (jan-feb) Aboriginal Storytelling Residency, Banff Centre, AB
2005 (apr) Artist In Residence, Centre for Art Tapes Halifax, NS
2005 (jan-mar) Aboriginal New Works, Banff Centre, Banff AB
2004 (oct) Eminence Grise, 7a*11d - 5th International Festival of Performance Art, Toronto, ON
2004 (oct) Shoring Support, Performance Art and Collaboration Mentorship, Modern Fuel Artist Run Centre,, Kingston, ON
2004 (mar-apr) Echoes and Transmissions Residency, Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff Centre, Banff AB
1997-2001 Storyteller In Residence (with Joseph Naytowhow), Meadow Lake Tribal Council, Meadow Lake, SK
1996 (oct) Pop N Mass Subcultures (with Ahasiw Maskegon Iskwew as part of Isi-pîkiskwêwin Ayapihkêsîsak), Banff Centre, AB
2011 (sep) S-O-S (signals of survival) artists TBA, presented by imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival & A Space Gallery, co-sponsored by FADO & interaccess, A Space Gallery, Toronto, ON
2011 (jul) Codetalkers of the Digital Divide (or why we didn't become "roadkill on the information superhighway"), Paved Arts, Saskatoon, SK
2011 (jun) NDN SPAM Cookbook - Celebrity Edition artists TBA, commissioned by Tribe Inc., Saskatoon, SK
2010 (sep) RE:counting coup KC Adams, Jordan Bennett, James Luna, Archer Pechawis, Lisa Reihana. presented by imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival and A Space Gallery, co-sponsored by FADO Performance Centre, A Space Gallery, Toronto, ON
2009 (sep) Codetalkers of the Digital Divide (or why we didn't become "roadkill on the information superhighway") Alanis Obomsawin, Buffy Sainte Marie, Melanie Printup Hope, Ahasiw Maskegon Iskwew, Mike MacDonald, Jimmie Durham, Jackson 2bears, Jennifer Wemigwans, Isuma. Co-presented by imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival and A Space Gallery, Toronto
2004 (sep) 17:TELL - Aboriginal Digital Storytelling Issue, Horizon Zero, Banff New Media Institute, Banff, AB
2003 (may) REDSCREEN: 13 videos from this land now known as Canada. Clint Starr, Thirza Cuthand, Dana Claxton, David Garneau, Greg Coyes, Darlene Naponse, Jude Norris, Shelley Niro, Shirley Cheechoo, Ken Williams, Steve Loft, Dennis Jackson, Colleen Simard. Co-presented by Sakewewak Artists' Collective and Cube Cinema, Bristol, UK
1993 (???) Illuminate - Janet Hardy, Joanne Poirier, Roberta Rees Whalley, Kira Wu. Truck: an artist-run centre, Calgary, AB
1992 (???) Reclaiming Identity: A State of Dignity - an installation by Celina Ritter. Truck: an artist-run centre, Calgary, AB
2000 Crossings: The Bell of Batoche - written by Robert Winslow & Greg Daniels. Directed by Arturo Fresolone. 4th Line Theatre Company, Peterborough, ON
1998 The Batoche Project - written by Robert Winslow & Bruce Sinclair. Directed by Arturo Fresolone. 4th Line Theatre, Peterborough, ON / Batoche, SK
1992 MOTHER TONGUE - written, directed and produced by Cheryl L'Hirondelle and Alexandria Patience, Maenad Productions, Calgary, AB
1988 Under a Cloud - by Brian Dyson and Paul Woodrow. Syntax Art Society, Calgary, AB
1988 The Waitresses - by Nancy Cullen, music by Anne Loree. Directed by Alexandria Patience. Maenad Theatre Production
2011 "Land Project, A Conversation...", Cultivating Canada: Reconciliation through the Lens of Cultural Diversity, edited by Ashok Mathur, Jonathan Dewar, Mike DeGagne - Aboriginal Healing Foundation Research Series
2011 The Spoken Word Workbook: inspiration from poets who teach, edited by Sheri-D Wilson, Banff Centre Press
2010 RE:counting coup curatorial writing, A Space Gallery, Toronto, ON
2009 Codetalkers of the Digital Divide curatorial writing, A Space Gallery, Toronto, ON
2009 êkâya-pâhkaci, BEAT NATION: Hiphop as Indigenous Culture, Vancouver BC
2008 nikamon ohci askiy (songs because of the land) - artist statement (about) website and DVD
2008 Reclaiming Identity, a state of dignity: Celina Ritter, TRUCK Gallery 25th Anniversary Publication
2007 red giveaway: linking butterflies and all my relations, Blackflash Magazine issue 24.3
2006 wêpinâsowina, Artist statement (about)
2005 Common Ground online forum, Tate Museum Online
2005 What is artinjun FAQ, ConunDrum online magazine, Feature - Volume 1, edited by Ahasiw Maskegon Iskwew, Urban Shaman, Winnipeg, MB
2004 Reflection:Sub Rosa - Aboriginal Story in Digital Media Horizon Zero 17:TELL, BNMI, Banff, AB
2002 "copyleft vs copyright" presented (by Louise Halfe) at "Symposium on Indigenous Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge" sponsored by Creator's Rights Alliance, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK Nov 30
2010 Warren, Daina: Critical Essay. "Cree Cultural Cosmologies in Contemporary Arts – The Placement of Self in Time and Space" UBC, Vancouver, BC
2009 Nanabush, Wanda: Curatorial Essay. "Chronotopic Village" Modern Fuel, Kingston, ON
2008 Alteen, Glenn: Curatorial Essay. "Songs on the Land ", Nikamon Ohci Askiy (songs because of the land) DVD project, Grunt Gallery, Vancouver BC
2008 Alteen, Glenn: Curatorial Essay. "Walking Here, Walking There", nikamon ohci askiy (songs because of the land), Grunt Gallery, Vancouver, BC
2008 Hill, Richard William: Curatorial Essay. "Drag Racing (Dressing Up White) and the Canon Upside Down: Inversions in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture", The World Upside Down, Banff Centre Press, Banff AB
2008 Swanson, Kerry and Hopkins, Candice: Curatorial Essay. "Shapeshifters, Time Travellers and Storytellers", Royal Ontario Museum and Institute for Contemporary Culture, Publishers
2007 Iseke-Barnes, Judy; Danard, Deborah: Research Essay. "Reclaiming Indigneous Representations and Knowledges", Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 1(1), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Toronto, pp 5-19
2007 Jimmy, Elwood: Essay. "21", Catalogue - A Space Gallery, Toronto, ON
2006 Graham, Janna: Essay. "Audience Gallery Radiophany: Echoes and Transmissions, Feed Back0-1, Goldsmiths College, London, UK
2006 Warren, Daina: Essay. "Nêhiyawin (Cree Worldview), Storm spirits: wêpinâsowina, Urban Shaman Gallery, Winnipeg, MB
2005 Maskegon-Iskwêw, Âhâsiw: Essay. "wêpinâsowin", Storm Spirits: Aboriginal New Media Art, Urban Shaman Gallery, Winnipeg, MB
2005 Gledhill, Randy: Essay. "The New Exhibitionists" Canadian Art - Summer 2005, Vol. 22, number 2, pp44-45.
2005 Diamond, Sara: Essay. "Participation, Flow and the Redistribution of Authorship...", presented at Museums and the Web 2005, Vancouver, BC
2005 Hopkins, Candice: Essay. "Interventions in Traditional Territories" e-misferica performance & politics in the americas, Hemispheric Institute, NY issue 2.1
2004 Diamond, Sara: Essay. "Reframing the Cathedral: Opening the sources of Technologies and Cultural Assumptions", The Banff Centre
2004 Diamond, Sara: Essay. "Reframing the Cathedral: Opening the Sources of Technology and Cultural Assumptions", Banff Centre
2004 Graham, Janna; Hopkins, Candice, L'Hirondelle. "Sounding the Border: Echoes and Transmissions from the Morley Reserve: a conversation" Fuse Magazine, vol. 27, #4
2004 Maskegon-Iskwew, Ahasiw: Essay. "Waynohtew and the apihtaw-kosisan Infiltration of Deep Structure" Caught in the Act: An anthology of performance art by Canadian women, Tanya Mars, Joanna Householder Editors, YYZ Books, Toronto, ON
2003 Smith, Steven Ross. "Finding Community Through Art" Commissioned by Saskatchewan Arts Alliance, Saskatoon, SK.
2003 Gates, Carrie: Essay. "Decolonizing Identity in Cyberspace", University of Saskatchewan, Regina, SK
2003 Wood, Morgan: Essay. "Wild Fire on the Plains: Contemporary Saskatchewan Art", Catalogue - Mendel Art Gallery Publications, Saskatoon, SK
2003 Hopkins, Candice: Essay. "How to get Indians in Art Galleries", Making a Noise! Aboriginal Perspectives on Art, Art History, Critical writing and Community, Lee-Ann Martin, editor, Banff International Curatorial Institute, Banff, AB
2001 Acoose, Lynn: Essay. "Cistemaw Iyiniw Ohci", sponsored by Tribe, Saskatoon, SK
2001 Hopkins, Candice: Essay. "Interventions in Traditional Territories"
1996 Maskegon-Iskwêw, Ahasiw. "Talk Indian to Me: Walking In Beauty". Mix Magazine, Vol. 22.3, Winter 1996/97 pp58-60.
1995 Bennett, Susan: Essay. "Mother Tongue: Colonized Bodies and Performing Cultures". Contemporary Theatre Review: an international journal, Volume 2, Part 3, pp101-110
1993 Allen, Lillian. "Imagining Cultural Equity." Parallelogramme, Vol. 19, No. 13, 1993-94, p56-57.
1992 Cullen, Nancy. "Unearthing Issues with the Maenads". VOX Magazine, Vol. 98 (April 1992) p10.
1990 Gilbert, Sylvie: Essay. "Noise Under the Tongue", Catalogue - Walter Phillips Gallery Publications, Banff, AB
1989 Garneau, David. "The Refused". Vanguard 18:3, Summer 1989, p43.
2011 Cole, Sheila: Article. "Gift of Song", Saskatchewan Weekend, CBC Radio - broadcast March 20, 2011
2011 Grebinski, Leisha: Review "Storytelling festival celebrates traditions", Saskatchewan Sage, Volume 15, Issue 6.
2010 Moss, Jennifer: Review. "Cultural Olympiad: Inaugural show at Audain Gallery reaches out to Downtown Eastside neighbours", The Vancouver Sun online edition, February 3, Vancouver BC
2010 Rind, Margaret: Interview. "Oralites et peaux visuelles sur le dos de la Grande Tortue: La performance et l'activisme dans la vie quotidienne" Inter Magazine, #104 "Indiens/Indians/Indios" pp 63-67, Quebec City, PQ
2009 Wassenburg, Anya: Review. "Codetalkers of the Digital Divide", Art & Culture Maven
2009 Hall, Ally: Review. "Welcome to the Village", The Journal – Queen’s University Blog
2009 Boyce, Dr. Michael J.: Review. "Because of Songs by Cheryl", brunt magazine, issue 5, October pp 42-44, Vancouver BC
2009 McKay, Sheryl: Interview. " Nikamon Ohci Askiy", CBC Radio One, North By Northwest (February 7 broadcast)
2008 Nanabush, Wanda: Interview. "Pirates of Performance", Fuse Magazine, Volume 32, Number 1, pp 24-33.
2008 Griffin, Kevin: Article. "Performance Artist Celebrates Sounds of Vancouver", Vancouver Sun, December 30, 2008
2008 House, Tina: Interview. "Oppenheimer Park Giveaway", Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, National News, December 23, 2008
2008 Paterson, Andrew J: Review. "Cheryl L'Hirondelle", 7A*11D Performance Festival Blog, Toronto, ON
2008 Valentina, Jasmine: Review. "27.10.08", Mountain Standard Time Performance Festival Blog, Calgary, AB
2008 Randolph, Jean: Review. "Day Four", (in)VISIBLE CITIES PERFORMANCE FESTIVAL Blog, Winnipeg, MB
2008 Shield, David: Article. "Women at Pine Grove using Music to Confront Inner Demons", Morning Edition, CBC Radio Saskatchewan, June 18, 2008
2008 Kyle, Anne: Article. "North Central, in its own Image", Regina Leader Post, May 26, 2008
2008 Matterie, Garth: Interview. "Dewdney Avenue Project", Blue Sky, CBC Radio Saskatchewan, May 29, 2008
2008 Pechawis, Archer: Review. "Digital Ndn Country", Blackflash Magazine, vol 25 number 2, pp 41-44, Saskatoon, SK
2007 Schecter, Fran: Review. "Superb Reclamation Project", Now Magazine, Oct. 18, 2007, Toronto, ON
2007 Daniels, Calvin: Review. "M'Girl: Fusion of Two Worlds", Yorkton This Week, Aug. 29, 2007, Yorkton, SK
2007 Hill, Richard William; L'Hirondelle, Cheryl; Naytowhow, Joseph: Dialogue. "You Are Never Just One Thing in One Place: Tricksters and Contrary Spirits", World Upside Down Catalogue, Walter Phillips Gallery Publications, Banff, AB
2007 Smith, Dolores: Interview. "M'Girl Live at Wise Hall" - Beyond Words, APTN, broadcast January 25
2006 Bogdanovic, Nenad. Article. "Medunarodni susret umetnosti performansa u Kvebeku (Kanada)", Artmagazin: web casopis za savremenu likovnu umetnost.
2006 McPhee, Erin: Article. "M'Girl Performing at Longhouse Gala", North Shore News, North Vancouver, BC, Nov 10, 2006
2006 Bekattla, Susie: Interview. "M'Girl" - Collective Perspective/Awakening Dreams, Coop Radio 102.7FM, September 6, Vancouver, BC
2006 Cuthbert, Susan: Interview. "BC First Nations celebrate their culture with an international audience", INAC online, BC Region, Summer 2006
2006 Belot, Heather & Hornsby, Debra. Interview. "Stories heard 'round the world" The Banff Centre Report to the Community, Summer 2006 p9
2005 McNabb, Robin: Interview. "The Storytelling Show - 14th Annual Vancouver Storytelling Festival", Co-op Radio 102.7fm, Vancouver, BC
2005 Whittles, M.L.. "The Legends Will Never Die" Kenaston News, March 26
2004 Graham, Janna; Hopkins, Candice, L'Hirondelle. "Sounding the Border: Echoes and Transmissions from the Morley Reserve: a conversation" Fuse Magazine, vol. 27, #4
2004 Couillard, Paul; Maskegon-Iskwew, Ahasiw: Article. "After the Facts", Fado Performance Inc., Toronto, ON
2004 Reaney, James: Review. "Sunfest warms up music fans' summer" London Free Press, July 9
2004 Shannon, Jean Francois: Review. "Temoins du temps et de l'espace", Le Messager - World Edition online, Number 1677, June 26
2004 Lafortune, Wes: Review. "From anger to hope: aboriginals examine identity and change" FFWD Magazine, Vol 9, Number 24, p24.
2004 Alexander, Rob: Interview. "Students discover the sound of art" Rocky Mountain Outlook, Vol 4, Issue 15, p 39.
2003 Mcleod, Neal: Interview. "Sounds Like Canada: First Voice: Tradition in Transition" CBC Radio, February 27, 2003
2003 Smith, Steven Ross: Interview. "Halfbreed Interdisciplinary Artist" Star Phoenix, January 18, Saskatoon, SK.
2002 Smits, Rasa: Interview. "folk wars 01" OZOne, Dec 3, Riga, Latvia.
2002 Higgitt, Dave (editor): Interview. "The Cube" Venue Magazine, Directory of Social Businesses 2002, p6.
2002 Comeau, Paul-Emile: Review. "Nikamok" Dirty Linen: Folk & World Music, February/March 2002, issue #98, p70.
2001 Wright-McLeod, Brian: Review. Renegade Reviews: 2001, a space odyssey - Nikamok. News From Indian Country, February, p15b
2000 Jenish, DArcy Return of an Icon. Macleans, July 31,2000, pp18 & 19
2000 Quarrie, Bea Review: Crossings a worthy undertaking. The Peterborough Examiner, August 9, 2000 Entertainment Section
2000 Austring Winter, Bonnie: Interview: Nikamok. Global Village, CBC Radio (National), September 9, 2000
2000 Fox, Roger: Interview. Nikamok. Cree Way, CJNB Radio (Northwest Saskatchewan), December 2, 2000
2000 Lewis, Vernon: Interview. Nikamok. Nêhiyaw Acimona, Missinipe Broadcasting Corp, December 5, 2000
2000 Friesen, Cate: Interview. Nikamok. Roots Round-Up, CBC Radio (National), December 12, 2000
1999 Bell, Lynn & Williamson, Janice: Talking Cyberpowwow and Handdrums: an interview with Cheryl L'Hirondelle. antiTHESIS, Vol. 10, pp 187-204
1998 Bana, Mary. Library Week. Meadow Lake Progress, Vol. 66, #43, October 26, 1998, p17
1998 Burnett, Stephane. Singing for the Saskatchewan Miracle. Northern Pride, Vol 6 #9 March 10, 1998, cover page
1998 McCrae, Mairi. First Nations Festival. The Yukon News, Vol 38, #55 June 24, 1998, p 38
1998 Uttley, Adam. Singers Take Act on Road. Meadow Lake Progress, Vol. 67, #28, July 12, 1998, p11.
1997 Miller, Kevin. "Cheryl LHirondelle Brings Her Voice to the North". Northern Pride, Vol. 4, no. 27, February 24, 1997 p8.
1997 Johnstone, Jim. "Afternoon Edition Live Concert: Joseph Naytowhow and Cheryl L'Hirondelle". CBC Radio Saskatchewan, March 27
1996 Review: "Ancient Memories". The Carillon, September 1996
1995 Skinner, Jessie. Review: "Halfbred". Angles Magazine, A & E Briefs and Panties, June 1995
1995 Dahl, Doug. "Northern Saskatchewan Artists' Centre Opens...". Northern Pride, Vol. 3, no. 43, November 14, 1995, p 1.
1992 Morrow, Martin. "Two Cultures linked in Mother Tongue". Calgary Herald, April 16, 1992, Sec. C, p1.
1992 Wenham, Jennifer. "Mother Tongue Tackles Social Issues". The Gauntlet, April 16, 1992, Sec. C, p22.
1992 Morrow, Martin. Review: "Mother Tongue Hard to Grasp". Calgary Herald, April 18, 1992, Sec. C, p2.
1992 Simmons, Angela. "Mother Tongue". Windspeaker News, April 1992
1992 Mogenson, Peter. "Mother Tongue". FUX - CJSW Radio, April 1992.
1992 Simmons, Angela. "Multi-talented Metis Woman". Calgary Cornerstone Native News, December 1992, pp
1990 Clarke, Kerry. "Melville and the Rocket Scientists". VOX Magazine, Vol. 76 (April 1990) p5.
1989 Piros, Monica. "Melville and the Rocket Scientists...blasting off...". Calgary Tonite Magazine - City Circuit, (January 10 - 16) p27.
1989 Moser, Mary Anne. Review: "Salvaging Graceland". Fuse Magazine, Fall 1989, Vol. 13, No. 1 & 2, p 58.
1988 Morrow, Martin. Review: "Drink Sowed Seeds for Musical Comedy". Calgary Herald, July 21, 1988 Sec. C, p9.
1988 Zimmerman, Kate. Review: "Recipe for Play Just Lacking Sauce". Calgary Herald, July 22, 1988 Sec. C, p2.
1986 Reynolds, Bill. Review: "Inde Days (the blueman)". VOX Magazine, Local Motion, Vol. 2, January 1986 p9.
2011 Ontario Arts Council, Exhibition Assistance Program - Adelaide Songlines Project
PAST (1986-1999): co-founder - kikâyôwsiw Writers Group, Meadow Lake, SK; board member - Interaccess -Toronto, Ont; board &/or committee member - The New Gallery, Second Story Arts Society, EM-Media, Maenad Theatre Productions, Prairie Artist-Run Centre Association, Calgary Society of Independent Film-Makers, Calgary Women of Colour Collective, Rock Against Racism/Oxfam, Calgary, Alberta; board member &/or animator - ANNPAC/RACA, Minquon Panchayat Caucus - Canada; board member - Saskatchewan Arts Alliance, SK.
2011 Canada Council, Community Collaboration Project, Music Section - Prison Songs
2010 Ontario Arts Council, Popular Music Program, Songwriting Grant - Toronto Songlines
2009 Common Ground, First Nations Composer's Initiative - Toronto Songlines
2009 BC Arts Council, Media Arts Project Grant - NDNSPAM (Phase II)
2009 Canada Council, Aboriginal Music Program - Cheryl L'Hirondelle and Friends @ The Dreaming Festival, Australia
2009 Webby Awards, Official Honoree, NetArt Category -
2009 First Peoples' Heritage, Language and Culture Council, Aboriginal Arts Development Awards - Songlines Album
2009 PuSh Festival's Children's Choice Awards - nikamon ohci askiy (songs because of the land)/Giveaway
2008 First Peoples' Heritage Language and Culture Council, Aboriginal Arts Development Award - Giveaway 5 Song EP
2007 Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards, Best Group - M'Girl
2007 Aboriginal Peoples Television Network Open Call Music Video Award - M'Girl (Eyes Wide Open)
2007 Canada Council - Aboriginal Music Program (M'Girl)
2007 Canada Council - Inter Arts Creation Grant
2007 BC Arts Council - Visual Arts Project Grant
2007 BC Arts Council - Media Arts Project Grant
2006 Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards - Best Female Traditional/Cultural Roots Album (M'Girl)
2006 imagineNATIVE Festival - New Media Award (wepinasowina)
2006 Canada Council - Aboriginal Collaborative Exchange Travel Grant, National
2006 Calgary Girls School - Womens' Eve Gala Awards - Arts
2005 Canada Council - Aboriginal Collaborative Exchange Travel Grant, International
2005 imagineNATIVE Festival - New Media Award (17:TELL + treatycard), Toronto, ON
2004 Canada Council - Aboriginal Collaborative Exchange Travel Grant, International
2003 Canada Council - Media Arts Travel Grant - International
2003 Canada Council - Aboriginal Collaborative Exchange Travel Grant, National
2002 Canada Council - Media Arts Travel Grant - International
2000 Saskatchewan Arts Board - Creative C Grant, Multidisciplinary
1999 Saskatchewan Arts Board - Creative C Grant, Performing
1998 Saskatchewan Arts Board - Travel Grant, Performing
1997 Canadian Native Arts Foundation - Professional Development Grant
1995 Toronto Arts Council - Music Creation Grant
1993 Alberta Foundation for the Arts - Writer's Research Grant
1992 Alberta Foundation for the Arts - Writer's Study Grant
1992 Alberta Foundation for the Arts - Writer's Project Grant
2011 Sessional Instructor - Body As Material: Performance by Artists (summer intensive), OCADU, Toronto, ON
2011 Jury Member - Aboriginal Arts Education and Arts Projects, Ontario Arts Council, Toronto, ON
2011 Presenter - Shift Symposium: Dialogues of Migration in Contemporary Art, curated by Strandline Collective & presented by Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina, SK
2011 Performer & Panelist - Using Art to Reclaim Traditional Roles, View Points - Harbourfront Centre, Toronto, ON
2011 Jury Member - Visual Arts Project Grants, Canada Council for the Arts, Ottawa, ON
2011 Performer & Host - Sâkêwêwak Storytellers Festival, Artisan Centre + Storytelling Bus Tour, Regina, SK
2010 Jury Member - Aboriginal Arts Development Awards, First Peoples Language, Heritage, Culture Council, Brentwood Bay, BC
2010 Presenter - Nikamon Ohci Askiy HTMlles Festival, Studio XX / OBORO, Montreal, Quebec
2010 Presenter - Performance Art Salon, Poetry Gabriola Festival, Gabriola Island, BC
2010 Presenter - My City's Still Breathing Symposium, Winnipeg Arts Council, Winnipeg, MB
2010 Presenter - Sex Money Media - Women in View, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC
2010 Jury Member - Media Arts to Individuals, BC Arts Council, Victoria, BC
2010 Commissioned Composer - Nêhiyawêtan Children's Cree Language Program - Making Art episode, Vancouver, BC
2010 Instructor - Body As Material: Performance By Artists, OCADU, Toronto, ON
2010 Presenter - Connect Conference, Common Weal Community Arts, Schumiatcher Theatre, Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina, SK
2010 Presenter - OCADU Performance Art Educator's Colloquium, Toronto, ON
2010 Jury Member - Ventures Program, Saskatchewan Arts Board, Saskatoon, SK
2010 Performer - Calgary International Spoken Word Festival, One Yellow Rabbit Secret Theatre, Calgary, AB
2010 Panelist - Experimental Congress, images Media Art Festival, Toronto, ON
2010 Participant - Canadian Heritage Aboriginal Culture Roundtable Discussions, Vancouver BC
2009 Lecturer - Fine Art Studio Presentation, University of B.C., Vancouver, BC
2009 Lecturer - Body As Material: The Social Body, Ontario College of Art, Toronto, ON
2009 Lecturer - Art Now, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB
2009 New Media Advisor - imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival, Toronto, ON
2009 Moderator - New Media Panel, imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival, Toronto, ON
2009 Participant - Radio Star Songwriter's Workshop, Art Hotel, Calgary, AB
2009 Jury Member - Grants to Established Visual Artists, Ontario Arts Council, Toronto, ON
2009 Presenter - Canadian Public Art Funders Symposium, Canada Council, Ottawa, ON
2009 Presenter - Nikamon Ohci Askiy Workshop - The Dreaming Festival, Woodford, AUS
2009 Performer - "Nikamon Ohci Askiy (songs because of the land) & Giveaway 5 song EP Launch", PuSh International Performing Arts Festival, MOuntainview Cemetery, Vancouver, BC
2009 Performer - "A Tribute to Coast Salish Jazz Legend Mildred Bailey", Talking Stick Festival, Ironworks, Vancouver, BC
2009 Instructor - Body as Material: Performance By Artists & Integrated Media Studio Thesis Courses, OCAD, Toronto ON
2008 Panelist - The Creator Within Festival: Materializing Matriarchy / Woman / Artist moving within (Sacred Space) of Creation, Drake Hotel, Toronto ON
2008 Panelist - Creating Resistance: Arts Practice/Political Praxis, UBC - Department of English, Vancouver BC
2008 Presenter - FADO/OCAD Visiting Artist Lecture Series, Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto ON
2008 Panelist - Performance Creation Canada Conference, Grand Theatre Studio, Calgary, AB
2008 Panelist - Dewdney Avenue Project Panel, Albert Scott Neighbourhood Centre, Regina, SK
2008 Panelist - (in)visible cities performance panel, Saigon Restaurant, Winnipeg, MB
2008 Council Member - Aboriginal Education Council, OCAD University, Toronto, ON
2008 Performer - Indigenous Music and Dance as Cultural Property Colloquium: Global Spirit Concert, University of Toronto, Toronto ON
2008 Participant - Copy Camp: art+technology+law, Toronto ON
2008 Jury Member - Aboriginal Peoples Music Program, Canada Council for the Arts, Ottawa, ON
2008 Jury Member - Saskatchewan Arts Board - New Media Initiatives Grant Program, Regina, SK
2008 Participant - Aboriginal Music Project Camp, Gimli MB
2007 Panelist - Victoria International Arts Symposium - Can Art Change History?, Victoria, BC
2007 Panelist - Live in Public: The Art of Engagement - Public Dreams - a trajectory: roles, Roundhouse, Vancouver, BC
2007 Jury Member - Ontario Arts Council - Multi-Arts Project Grants, Toronto, ON
2007 Panelist - Disciplinary Action: Performance in a Time of Convergence, Performance Creation Canada, Gallerie SAW Gallery, Ottawa, ON
2007 Respondent - Corralling Art: Aboriginal Curatorial Practice in the prairies and beyond - Aboriginal Curatorial Collective & TRIBE Inc, Saskatoon, SK
2007 Jury Member - Saskatchewan Arts Board Indigenous Gateway Initiative Grant Program, Saskatoon, SK
2007 Jury Member - Saskatchewan Arts Board Media Arts Independent Artists Grant Program, Regina, SK
2007 Participant - Spoken Word Arts Network Summit, Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff, AB
2007 Presenter - transPOSE: shedding the capacity to fit in, Sâkêwêwak Artists' Collective, Regina, SK
2007 Participant - Canadian Heritage Roundtable on Aboriginal New Media, Toronto, ON
2007 Jury Member - Juno Awards: Roots and Traditional Music - Solo Category, Canada
2006 Panelist - Music & Activism, Victoria International Arts Symposium Victoria, BC
2006 Presenter - Interactive Screen 0.6, Banff New Media Institute, Banff AB
2006 Jury Member - Canada Council Aboriginal Music Program, Ottawa, ON
2006 Committee Member - Canada Council Interarts Section Advisory Committee (re: Rachel Van Fossen Multidisciplinary Workgroup), Ottawa, ON
2006 Committee Member - Banff New Media Institute Advisory Committee, Banff, AB
2006 Faculty - Corus Women's New Media Accelerator Program, Banff New Media Institute, Banff, AB
2006 Jury Member - Banff Centre Visual Arts Department Programming - NORTH Aboriginal Residency 2007, Banff, AB
2006 Senior Fellow - Storytelling Residency, Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff, AB
2005 Presenter - Cultural Futures: Place, Ground and Practice, Auckland, NZ and Hoani Waititi marae, Aotearea
2005 Performer, Musician, Visual Artist - Streets Called Home, presented at the World Summit on Information Systems, Tunisia
2005 co-Artistic Director (with Ivan Coyote, Abegael Fisher-Lang, Melanie Ray)- 14th Annual Vancouver Storytelling Festival, Vancouver, BC
2005 Associate Researcher - SmartLab Centre, University of the Arts, London, UK
2005 Participant - Richard Armstrong Voice Workshop, Music and Sound, Banff Centre, CA
2005 Presenter - Interactive Screen, Banff New Media Institute, Banff Centre, CA
2005 Presenter - ISEA Open Forum/Pacific Rim New Media Summit Meeting, ACM SIGGRAPH, Los Angeles, CA
2005-06 Committee Member - Pacific Rim Working Group: Ground & Practice, ISEA 2006/ ZeroOne San Jose: A Global Festival of Art on the Edge, San Jose, CA
2005-06 Sessional Instructor/Developer - First Nations, Emily Carr Institute, Vancouver, BC
2005 Sessional Instructor - Digital Storytelling, Emily Carr Institute, Vancouver, BC
2005 Peer Advisor/Participant - Aboriginal New Works Residency, Visual Arts, Banff Centre
2005 Jury Member - Juno Awards: Roots and Traditional Music - Solo Category, Canada
2004 Jury Member - Canada Council - Sound Recording - Specialised Music, Ottawa, ON
2004 Jury Member - Western Canadian Music Awards - Outstanding Aboriginal Recording
2004 Panelist - Database Imaginary, Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff, AB
2004-05 Committee Member -, Canadian Heritage Information Network, Canada
2004 Creative Consultant - TELL:17 - Aboriginal Storytelling Issue Horizon Zero, Banff New Media Institute, Banff Centre, Banff, AB
2004 Presenter - Living Skies Storytelling Conference, sponsored by Regina Public Library, Qu'appelle valley, SK
2004 Panelist - Up Against the wall, Commonweal / CARFAC Saskatchewan, Prince Albert, SK
2004 Presenter - Dakart Lab, as part of the 6th Edition of the Dakar Biennale for Contemporary African Art, Dakar Senegal, Africa
2004 Facilitator - Echoes and Transmissions Morley Community School Media Project, as part of A Question of Place, Candice Hopkins, curator, Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff Centre, Banff, AB
2004 Panelist - Up Against The Wall, Commonweal / CARFAC Saskatchewan, Regina, SK
2003 Panelist - Strategy 21, The Power of Training in Technology - Cultural Human Resources Canada, Toronto, ON
2003 Jury Member - FACTOR - Independent Loan Program, Professional Demo Award - Regional Jury, Saskatoon, SK
2003 Lecturer - Interarts 101 - University of Regina, Regina, SK
2003 Panelist - Re-engineering the Game - Art Symposia paved arts, Saskatoon, SK
2003 Participant - Skinning Our Tools, BNMI, Banff AB
2003 Panelist - Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, SK
2003 Participant - Indivisuals Themed Residency, Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff, AB
2003 Participant - Canada Council Aboriginal Media Arts Round Table, Regina, SK
2003 Participant - Locative Media intl mapping workshop, RIXC, Karosta, Latvia
2003 Jury Member - Canada Council Outreach Program - Exposed Roots, Ottawa, ON
2003 Moderator - Uplands, new media panel as part of IMAA Nation 54 Conference, Regina, SK
2003 Programmer - REDSCREEN, 13 videos from the land now known as canada, Cube Cinema, Bristol, UK
2003 Jury Member - Juno Awards: Roots and Traditional Music - Solo Category, Canada
2002 Presenter - Crossing Over: Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Regina, Regina, SK
2002 Presenter - Bridges Consortium II, Banff New Media Institute, Banff, AB
2002 Panelist - Artist as Animateur - Commonweal, Saskatchewan Film Pool Theatre, Regina, SK
2002 Jury Member - Canada Council Aboriginal Music Program, Ottawa ON
2002 Panelist - Professional Association of Canadian Theatres (PACT) National Conference, Ottawa, ON
2002 Jury Member - Manitoba Arts Council Aboriginal Creation Program, Winnipeg, MB
2001 Participant - Aboriginal Streams, Banff New Media Institute. Banff AB
2001 Participant - Human Voice / Computer Vox, New Media Institute - Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff AB
2001 to 2004 - Performing Arts Consultant - Saskatchewan Arts Board
2000-2001 Committee Member - Saskatchewan Arts Board Aboriginal Advisory Committee, Regina SK
2000 Jury Member - Canada Council Specialized Music Recording Program, Ottawa, ON
2000 Jury Member - Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards - Best Male Artist, Best Powwow Album Categories, Brantford, ON
2000 Presenter - Aboriginal Performance Artists in Canada - Development of Performance Collective (DOP) Annual Symposia. Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB
1999-2001 Co-Storyteller-In-Residence - Meadow Lake Tribal Council - Office of Education, Meadow Lake, SK
1999 Jury Member - Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards - Best Traditional/Contemporary Album & Best Group/Duo Categories, Brantford, ON
1999 Presenter - Stories from the Treelines, Saskatchewan Writers Guild Conference, Prince Albert, SK
1998 Participant - Aboriginal Women's Voices, Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff, AB
1998-2001 Jury Member - Saskatchewan Arts Board Artist In Residence Program, Regina, SK
1998-1999 Jury Member - Canada Council First Peoples Music & Dance Programs, Ottawa, ON
1997-2001 Committee Member - Canada Council Media Arts Advisory, Ottawa, ON
1997-1999 Committee Member - Saskatchewan Arts Board Aboriginal Advisory Panel, Regina, SK
1997 Participant - David Smukler Voice Intensive, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC
1997 Jury Member - Canada Council Media Arts Exhibitions Program, Ottawa, ON
1997 Contract Tour Facilitator - Mendel Art Gallery Exhibition: Iyiniwak Anohc (Claiming Ourselves) Saskatoon, Yorkton, Swift Current, Lloydminster, SK
1996-1997 Co-founder, Coordinator - Meadow Lake Tribal Council - Fine Arts Festival, Meadow Lake, SK
1996-2001 Cultural Strategist/Consultant - Meadow Lake Tribal Council, Meadow Lake, SK
1996 Participant - Canada Council First Peoples Forum in Media Arts, Ottawa, ON
1995 Youth Award Coordinator & Production Assistant - National Aboriginal Achievement Awards, Toronto, ON & Vancouver, BC
1995 Coordinator of Special Events - Painting with Light exhibition by Buffy Sainte Marie, Toronto, ON
1994-1995 On-line Conference Co-moderator - First Nations Lodge, ON-SCREAM,Toronto, ON & Canada
1994-1995 On-line Aboriginal Liaison and Project Assistant - KIDS FROM KANATA, Toronto, ON & Canada
1994 Internet Workshop Facilitator - ANNPAC/RACA + Artist-Run Network, Toronto, Ste. Catharines ON, Banff AB
1994 Thinktank Participant - AFVAA (National) Drum Beats to Drum Bytes, Banff, AB
1993-1994 Acting Executive Director - Association for Native Development in the Performing & Visual Arts (ANDPVA), Toronto, ON
1993 Keynote Speaker - Facing the Future with Imagination: Cultural Equity Conference, Toronto Arts Council, Toronto, ON
1993 Conference Coordinator - Its a Cultural Thing, ANNPAC/RACA, PARCA, Minquon Panchayat, Calgary, AB
1993 Participant - Aboriginal Film and Video Art Alliance National Gathering, Banff Centre, Banff, AB
1993 Animation Coordinator - ANNPAC/RACA & Minquon Panchayat, Calgary, AB & Canada
1991-1993 Programming Coordinator - TRUCK:an artist run centre, Calgary, AB
1988-1991 Co-organizer, Performer - An Evening of Poetry & Song, Calgary, AB
1987 Gallery Attendant - 2nd Story Gallery (now TRUCK) Calgary, AB
1986-1991 Co-organizer, Stage Manager, Performer - Rock Against Racism Concerts, Calgary, AB