Cube Cola Batch04

    Kayle Brandon, Kate Rich


the showdown. Suspecting that the Braun handmixer lacks shear power we set them up for a definitive test, emulsifying the same 7x recipe (flavour oils / gum / water) in a controlled lab environemnt with minimal variables. After 5 mins mixing we made up Composition A from each machine's output. With the Braun's Composition A already exhibiting hints of oily slick, we perceive the Bosch to be the outright winner. We intend to monitor the state of the 2 Composition A's over the following weeks, to see if this is definitive. Hybrid hardware: Using the Braun's whisk attachment & closely fitting beaker as accessories on the Bosch (superior RPMs / wattage) might be the best solution. TO DO: get sticky labels, more plastic flagons for syrup, research glass & plastic methods of storing compositions A=B for postage. POST-LAB REPORT 26/12/05 Checked in on the 2x Composition A's stored in jam jars on lab window ledge. As suspected, Brauns' Comp.A is already showing signs of emulsification breakdown (significant oiliness on the surface) while the Bosch's Comp.A holds strong, with only a tiny surface marking.
