Regular CUBE volunteers are provided with sparror mail accounts & basic training [how to use ssh, pine and sparror webmail]. Before being issued a sparror mail account, volunteers will normally have worked at The CUBE for several months [1 or more shifts per week] or have taken on specific area of responsibility. Within The CUBE, sparror provides functional equivalent of academic/corporate employee email, although without the covert surveillance. Mutual benefits (to CUBE and volunteers) include institutional status & affiliation; & getting CUBE staff off Hotmail. Removing mail accounts: no clear policy at present ie. access does not automatically expire when you stop working regularly at The CUBE. Committed non-volunteers: eligiblity for sparror mail accounts could be productively evaluated/ extended.
Volunteers are offered web space on when their mail account is set up. No formal web training provided, but staff inter-training encouraged.
Bristol-based projects and organisations can request web domain hosting on sparror. There is no formal application procedure; applicants generally approach CUBE staff who pass on enquiries to the sparror keeper. Content- sympathy to general CUBE programming & culture is a loose requirement. Personal affiliation between the project and The CUBE can help (and includes some sites located outside Bristol). Domain-hosted site administrators are hoped to be technically self-sufficient, so that tech-support can be minimal. No bandwidth restrictions exist to date due to lack of excess popularity of any hosted site. All domain-hosted sites are linked from the sparror home page: No corporate/ academic sites are hosted on sparror as yet, but this could be implemented for strategic interest. Service is free, but traded favours are encouraged. Business/ commercial usage is not discouraged. This service is perceived as being open-ended timewise.
Extraneous cultural or hobby activities involving CUBE staff & supporters are provided with a MAILMAN sparror mailinglist to self-administrate, if applied for.
sparror is a non-funded, non-commercial server: all hardware, labour and hosting is provided by The CUBE Cinema operations: Administration, management & maintainance shared by CUBE system administrators.
Feb 2004