
Preparation of cola using an open-source recipe (spice and fruit oil based flavouring mixture). The overall object of making cola is to free the cube bar from corporate cola influence.

Participating Cola Scientists:

Hannah Fearnley

Steve Crozier

Kate Rich

Kayle Brandon

Matt Gray

Ambient Factors:

Cube bar location.

Rug under which bounded an exclusion zone for kids and non-participant adults.

Tea with soya milk and jam doughnuts.

Mixmaster Mike, Bodenstandig 2000 and Asa-Chang and JunRay on the stereo

The Formula

7X (Top Seekrut) flavouring:

ideal - [actual source]

all oils sourced from the essential oil company, US unless specified.

3.5 ml orange oil

1.00 ml lemon oil

1.00 ml nutmeg oil

1.25 ml cassia oil - [shop on East 11st NYC]

0.25 ml coriander oil

0.25 ml neroli oil

2.75 ml lime oil

0.25 ml lavender oil

10.0 g gum arabic - [TRS Goonder edible gum arabic]

3.00 ml water - [bottled mineral]

OpenCola syrup:

2.00 tsp 7X formula

3.50 tsp 75% phosphoric acid or citric acid -[100% citric acid, therefore we need 2.625 tsp. Bought from brewing store, Gloucester Rd, Bristol ]

2.28 l water - [bottled mineral]

2.36 kg plain granulated white table sugar

- [Silver Spoon caster]

0.50 tsp caffeine (optional) [1 ground No-Doze tablet]

30.0 ml caramel colour - [Supercook caramel extract, Sainsburys Bristol]


7X Flavouring:

Take Gum Arabic to local postal office, ask if they would measure out 10 g parcels of gum arabic into small fairy-cake casings. Carefully transport back to the Cuboratory.

Mix oils together in a cup, enjoy the beautiful smells mmm... nutmeg is best, but must remember to keep it out of eyes and off fingers, especially those of curious children

As only have one pipette we wash and dry it between each measurement. Oils were decanted into a small clean shot glass and then measured in a 5ml child oral plastic syringe. (note for future runs: obtain glass syringes with thick needles to allow the oils to be taken directly from the bottle)

STOP PRESS - change of calculation - since everything is here and dandy we should make x10 solution of the 7X flavour and keep it stored for later.....suitable container??

We found a nice jug with a sealing top to store the 7X seekrut formula.

We added 9x amounts of the oils we had added previously in 1x amounts and then added 10x amounts of the previously unused oils.

Gum Arabic was blended in the blender, but it kinda destroyed the blender jar - note for future attempts - coffee grinder? We reverted to using the combined force of the blender and the good old pestle and mortar for the finishing touches.

At this stage, things went somewhat awry:

what follows is what is supposed to happen:

Realise that there is not enough sugar - Kate does a mission off to find some.

Add gum arabic to oils, and mix with a spoon. Add water and mix well (...) mixing for 4-5 mins. You can also transfer to a blender for this stage. Can be kept in a sealed jar in the fridge or at room temp.

Please note that the mixture will separate. The Gum Arabic is essential to this part of the recipe as you are mixing oil and water.


In a one gallon container take 5 ml of the 7X formula add the 75% (we change to 100% - measurement adjusted accordingly - 3.5tsp > 2.6tsp) phosphoric or citric acid. Add the water, then the sugar. While mixing, add the caffeine, if desired(!). Make sure the caffeine is completely dissolved. Then add the caramel colour. Mix thoroughly


To finish drink, take one part syrup and add 5 parts carbonated water.

This is what really happened:

Scavenging and Handling Ingredients

7X flavour:

Measurement: I used a dropper purchased at blah blah

Oils: Oils can cause skin irritation. Wear latex gloves. If oils come in contact with skin wash with soap and water

I purchased all oils from health food stores and the herbalist store, Thuna's (see notes on gum arabic)

Everything could have come from the herbalists . Try for 100% pure, undiluted oils...Okeydok

What we want to do.

Solve Gum Arabic problem (warm/hot water? - being investigated by Kayle)

Solve Colour problem - caramel colour not extract.

Flavour refinement - (more citric? more concentrate)

Solve lack of fizz - better bottled water? - but still needs to be economic. Schweppes soda water is really fizzy - but is it cheap? Make our own bottled water  - yeast/sugar or bicarb/citric? - we get get into some real serious chemistry here (molarities etc) and would mean further expenses and time.

Will it separate? (leave overnight)

Caramel colour: double-strength from 'bakery supply store' is suggested.

UK food additive list to reference at http://www.lactose.co.uk/milkallergy/foodadditives100.html

dd williamson [ireland] +353 21 435 3821 caramel colour #050 or #055
appear to be the darkest / suitable for beverage / liquid form

try bako bakery supplies: http://www.bako.co.uk/BakoWSTRN/bwstrn.htm

01884 32791 / sales 01884 831 920

They have caramel colour that is at the same time, caramel flavour. t

hey say to try their supplier, d'ohler 01908 28 1222